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The Digital Smile Makeover is our flagship treatment. It is the Rolls Royce of Smile Design.

We use 100% digital workflow to ensure precision, predictability and beauty. With our onsite laboratory and our VIP concierge service, we can deliver this treatment within a week.




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  • Dental Implants in Liverpool

Dental implants allow you to replace missing teeth in a way that will last for years to come. The implants are placed into the jawbone in order to be as solid and resistant as possible. The implants are made out of several different parts, with the bottom section, essentially a screw, made out of titanium. These screws, following their placement, will fuse into the bone, giving the implants that follow a secure base.

Once this has been done, you have the option to apply crowns and dentures on top of them, as required. If you are considering a dental implant treatment, our dental team will be able to discuss this with you in more detail and determine the best course of action for you and your circumstance.

Our Dental Implant Treatments in Liverpool

What makes the dental implant treatments at Dental Excellence a cut above the rest is the fact we have experts who go above and beyond for our patients using the most advanced dental technology available. If you have been told that you cannot be fitted for dental implants, please book a consultation with our team as we will be able to talk you through our range of implant options

As with all our treatments, your dental implant appointments will take place in our luxurious Liverpool facility, where our aim is to put you at ease and provide you with the best care. Once booked in, our dental implant treatment is a straightforward, three-step process. 

The first step is to fix your smile. You will be assessed by our dental team, made up of dentists, specialists, therapists, and technicians who will assess any damage caused to your teeth - for example, by dental issues such as gum disease or missing teeth - and formulate a treatment plan including any additional appointments which may be required. Depending on what you hope to achieve, the implants can become part of a wider smile makeover as we are able to combine our treatment plans across multiple disciplines to provide you with a beautiful, healthy smile whilst enhancing your overall oral health. In order to do this, you will have a maintenance plan alongside regular reviews to monitor and support your oral hygiene.

In order to determine where the implant needs to be placed and the best way to carry out the treatment, we use the latest software and technology, taking pictures, scans, and videos so we can be as precise as possible when it comes to the placement of the implant.  

The next step is dependent on how severe your case is. For the more complex cases, you may require further foundation and stabilisation work in order to give your mouth the strongest position possible before the procedure. Should this be the case, you will be provided with temporary teeth so you can go about your daily life without feeling self-conscious in between your appointments. For the less complex cases, if you have a strong mouth, we are able to extract the damaged tooth and place the implant in its position on the same day. 

The final steps of the process come after the dental implants have been fitted. Once they have been fitted and the measurements are all correct, they need time to settle, so for two to three months following your fitting, you will be provided with a temporary tooth or teeth. When enough time has passed, we will book you in for another appointment to have your final implant fitted in to match your natural teeth. We will apply a seamless finish, leaving you with a set of teeth and a smile you can beam about. 

The healing process takes place in different stages. The first part of the healing is known as osseointegration. This is the scientific name given to bone ingrowth into a metal implant. It is where the bone and rod combine together. Without this, your implant could be unstable and loose. The healing process depends on the individual and how their body adapts but, on average, the healing process takes around six to twelve weeks for the odd implant and slightly longer if there are multiple implants. During this time, we will provide you with temporary dentures to hide any gaps so you can continue to smile with confidence. After this, we will book you in for the crown placement; once this is done, another break is needed in order for this to heal; however, this does not take long. If you are wondering if the treatment will hurt, you will be placed under an anaesthetic so, as a result, any discomfort you may feel should be minimal.

Why would you choose to get a dental implant?

There are a variety of issues that cause people to opt for dental implants as a form of treatment. The main reason why people choose to get dental implants is to improve the appearance of the mouth as implants will ultimately remove gaps in your teeth. This, in turn, can impact a person's confidence and self-esteem. Having a dental implant can boost your morale and overall self-confidence. 

While there may be other treatments available, dental implants are a good, long-lasting and reliable option. You are also able to predict the outcome of the treatment so you will have more certainty that you will get the result you are looking for. Dental implant treatments also have a higher success rate in comparison to other dental treatments, making them an appealing option. 

The point of dental implants is that they are created to look and behave like your natural teeth. Once they have been fitted, you would have to look very hard in order to notice a difference. As they are locked into your jawbone, they can be said to mimic the behaviour of your natural teeth, and how their root lies; therefore, tooth stability need not be a concern. Dental implants also help shape the structure of your face. Bone loss is something that gives the appearance of ageing around the mouth, altering your face’s overall appearance. By getting dental implants, your jawline remains strong and, as a result, helps to preserve the structure of your face. 

One of the reasons people opt to get dental implants is to improve their quality of life. By replacing a missing tooth with a dental implant, it improves your ability to eat and drink as you would using your natural teeth. Unlike other treatments, dental implants stay in place without moving, meaning you do not have to adjust your diet to softer foods. 

These are just some of the reasons why dental implants have proven to be an excellent long-term treatment investment for your oral health. While the initial costs of the procedure may appear high, it is actually a cost-effective option as most other restorative treatments need to be replaced frequently - dental implants, however, are designed to be a permanent solution and can last between 20 and 30 years, depending on your general dental health. 

Another added bonus and a reason why people might prefer dental implants to other procedures is due to the fact there is very little minimal aftercare required following the treatment, allowing you to go back to your regularly scheduled lives in no time. Once the dental implant has been fitted and a few days have passed, the only action required is caring for your implants in the same way you would care for regular teeth - brushing them twice a day, flossing as normal, and having standard check ups with your dentists. Overall, the success rates of dental implants is 98%, which is very encouraging - especially at Dental Excellence, where customer satisfaction is paramount.

How much do dental implants cost?

The cost of dental implants varies depending on how many teeth need to be removed. The initial single arch implants are priced at £1,799 and £2,999 for a dual arch implant. At Dental Excellence, a full arch implant procedure costs £10,000 for the lower mouth, while the upper mouth costs you £12,500. A full arch implant treatment refers to when you require four or more implants. The price includes a full health check, oral stabilisation, IV sedation if you need help to relax, a luxurious relaxing suite, reserved parking, en-suite refreshments, an expert dedicated team, including a client manager who will oversee the entire process, and an implantologist. For more complex cases, the cost for implants increases to £15,000, while using zygomatic implants costs £17,500. If you are interested in learning more about dental implants and would like to speak with a member of our team, contact us on 0151 729 0000 to book your consultation today.

What can I eat after my dental implant treatment?

Our dental team will be able to discuss any necessary dietary considerations in more detail, during your consultation, but for the first few days following your treatment, it is advised that you restrict yourself to soft foods such as smoothies, eggs, beans, soups, and bread, for example, avoiding chewier foods such as apples, steaks, and crisps. Sticky foods such as caramel and taffy should also be avoided during this time. We would also advise you to stay away from caffeinated drinks, such as coffee and tea, as well as red wine during this time to ensure the colour of the dental implant is not compromised. After the first week or so, there is no reason why you cannot consume a regular diet as, once the implants are fully healed, there is no reason why you cannot enjoy your favourite foods - of course, ensuring you’re maintaining your oral health, brushing at least twice a day, as you would typically do.

How long do dental implants last?

A big benefit of treatments such as dental implants is the fact they last for years. A properly fitted implant will typically last for anywhere between 20 and 30 years - and much longer if you adhere to good oral hygiene. Therefore, while the treatment may seem to be on the costly side, it is worth the investment. Following the procedure, it remains a good habit to keep up with your usual dentist visits and to avoid situations that can cause damage to your jaw as impact, such as from playing high-risk sports like rugby or wrestling, could affect the screw in the implant. 

Other things you can do to improve the longevity of your implant include the below: 

  • Change of lifestyle: Dental implants rely on a sufficient amount of blood flow in order to heal properly. As a result, lifestyle choices such as smoking can impact the healing process as the nicotine in the cigarettes affects your oxygen levels and blood vessels. You are also more susceptible to gum disease, which, combined with the lack of oxygen, makes it harder for you to recover. In the same vein, alcohol can cause your blood to thin, and, during the healing process especially, your blood needs to clot; therefore, it is advised that you wait a few days after your treatment has been completed before resuming the consumption of alcohol. 
  • Be aware of existing medical conditions: Medical conditions such as diabetes, bleeding disorders such as Hemophilia A and B and Von Willebrand disease, heart conditions such as high blood pressure, congestive heart failure, and a weak immune system impact the longevity of your dental implant. These conditions make you prone to infections, which can impact the healing process following your treatment. To make sure we have all our bases covered, you will be asked to  disclose any medical conditions to our dental team in advance so they can provide you with any support you may need. 
  • Keep a track of medicine and medical treatments: It is important to double-check that any of the medications you are taking will not hinder the implant. Medicine such as immunosuppressive drugs, blood-thinning medications, and radiation therapy can all affect the implant and its healing time. 
  • Avoid teeth grinding: When you grind your teeth, it can fracture the implant, causing the screw to loosen or fracture the porcelain on the crown. This is because the motions can cause tiny movements to the implant, which can impact bone ingrowth. 
  • Visiting a dentist every six months: You need to make sure you book regular appointments with your dentist. Ideally, every six months - this way, you can keep on top of your oral hygiene and prevent damage that could be caused, such as chipped teeth and gum disease. Gum disease inflames the gums and, as a result, can cause the implant to dislodge or move further into the gums, affecting its appearance and comfort, which if left untreated, in the worst-case scenario, could cause jawbone deterioration and risk of implant failure. 

If you have any questions about the aftercare of your dental implants or want to know more about how long they last, our dental team, which includes the implant specialist, Dr. Pynadath George, will be able to discuss this with you.

What are dental implants?

Dental implants are titanium screws that are surgically placed directly into your jawbone. The treatment is seen as one of the more reliable and safer options when looking for a solution to deal with missing teeth. Dental implants are a long-term dental solution for people who need to replace a missing tooth or have weak teeth that need removing. 

Once the dental implants are fitted into your mouth, they function in the same way you would expect your natural teeth too. Depending on the health of your teeth, you may require an individual dental implant or several dental implants.

At Dental Excellence, we are able to provide you with both at our state-of-the-art Liverpool facility. In most instances, we are able to perform several dental implants in one sitting to save you time and multiple dental visits.

Do I need dental implants?

Dental implants come with a range of aesthetic benefits, but there are other same-day smiles and digital smile makeover dental procedures that will allow you to create the perfect smile for yourself. 

Dental implants, as a dental solution, are required if you have missing teeth and do not wish to opt for dentures, crowns or a bridge. The reason for this is that you cannot leave a gap in your mouth unattended. If you do, you can be at risk for a range of infections further down the line. 

As well as the implications of infections, having dental implants placed in your mouth provides an important function. When a tooth falls out and is not replaced, it can cause your jawbone to deteriorate. This is due to the pressure caused from chewing on the bone. Installing a dental implant into your mouth will enable you to bite easily, making sure you maintain a healthy jawbone whilst preventing any bones from deteriorating. 

From a visual aspect, dental implants can be vital in terms of self-confidence and self-esteem. The confidence a good smile can give you, allowing you to eat hassle-free is immeasurable.

Which is best: a bridge or an implant?

There are many differences between a bridge treatment and having a dental implant. The main one is the longevity of each treatment. A bridge will last anywhere between five to seven years; however, the dental implant treatments we provide at Dental Excellence, are aimed to be a once-in-a-lifetime treatment. Once the treatment is completed, provided you subsequently take care of your dental health, you will not have to repeat it. Dental implants are also proven to be more durable than bridge treatments. Over time, the wear and tear of a bridge impact its natural appearance, whereas, with dental implants, you are assured to have natural-looking teeth that stand the test of time. 

Another key difference between dental implants and bridge treatments is the success rate. Dental implants have a 98% success rate, whereas bridge treatments have a success rate of 94% with a 1 out of 3 chance of failing after 15 years, meaning dental implants can make a life-altering difference for our patients.

How do I look after my dental implants post-surgery?

Being careful following dental implant surgery is a vital element of its success. Here are some things to bear in mind during the following few weeks post-surgery. 

  • A key part of post-surgery care is keeping your mouth clean. This includes cleaning your teeth in the same way that you normally would - ensuring you are being thorough, and using circular motions whilst brushing. This will help prevent plaque build-up and inflammation. Note: you may have to avoid brushing the surgical site for the first few days post-treatment due to the mouth region being sensitive. 
  • Wash your mouth using warm mouthwash and a cup of hot water with a teaspoon of salt for a few weeks post-surgery. Ensure that the mouthwash is not boiling and sits over the surgical site until it cools. Do this regularly following your surgery. 
  • Be mindful of gargling and ensuring there are no food particles left near the implant when you first begin eating post-surgery. 
  • In order to heal your mouth properly, you should refrain from smoking until the wound has healed.

Have more questions about aftercare following dental implant surgery? As part of your time with us, our specialist will provide you with all the information you need to look after your teeth to get the most out of your dental implants.

Will there be pain after the implant procedure?

The procedure should be relatively pain-free. If you are worried about pain during the surgery, you will be able to have access to IV sedation to help put you at ease. Following the surgery, you may experience a little soreness, which can be managed by painkillers. You can take the same painkillers you normally take for headaches, aches, and sprains, such as ibuprofen and paracetamol. 

While we do not expect this to happen, if you find yourself suffering from extreme pain following the treatment, please contact us and our implant specialist, Dr Pynadath George will be able to discuss this with you.

Can I wear my dentures after treatment?

It is best to avoid wearing dentures following the surgery. If the denture covers the implant area, you should limit the amount of time you wear the denture while the dental implants are healing post-surgery. It is essential that temporary teeth do not exert excessive pressure on the underlying implants when they are used during treatment. If you have questions regarding your dentures, your dentist will be able to answer any concerns you might have and provide you with instructions on how to use your dentures post-surgery.

How long does it take to recover from dental implants?

The recovery time will vary from patient to patient depending on how you heal and if you have used local or general anaesthetic. In most cases, patients are usually able to go back to their daily routine within a couple of days. In some instances, you may be able to return on the same day.  

If you are under IV sedation, it is advised you take the full day off work and ensure you have someone at home to be with you following the surgery. 

To find out more about our dental implant treatments, book a consultation with us today.

The Dental Excellence Promise

In choosing Dental Excellence as the place to carry out your dental implant treatments, you can expect to have a dedicated dental team who are leaders within the industry paired with the latest state-of-the-art equipment. We pride ourselves on using both technology and the knowledge of our elite team of specialists to deliver care to our clients. In order to remain the best, we allow our experts the space to innovate and push the industry forward while delivering excellent patient-focused results. The health of our clients is of the utmost importance, which is why our dental experts undergo additional training aimed at improving your quality of care. 

When you arrive at our Liverpool facility, you are not met by a cold, unwelcoming clinic. We pride ourselves on delivering a luxury service to make sure each and every one of our clients feels safe and relaxed from the moment they walk through our doors. The facility is designed to mimic a luxurious spa experience - even our treatment rooms invoke calmness in them, but it isn’t just the aesthetics we invest in, we also make sure we put our time into you personally, getting to know you and making sure your stay with us is everything you expected and more. This includes delivering a treatment plan customised and developed by our dental team, specifically for you and your needs. This process is about you, so we make sure you get precisely what you want from the experience. 

Having our facility in Liverpool, the beating heart of the north, means we are easily accessible for those in and out of the region. Our clients come from far and wide, including Leeds, Manchester, Birmingham, and London. As part of the luxurious experience we offer at Dental Excellence, we provide a concierge service to and from your appointments saving you the worry of transport. If you’d like to find out more about the treatments we provide, do continue to explore our website or call us on 0151 729 0000.


The benefits of having dental implants

Here are just some of the advantages that you can expect from having dental implant treatment. 

  • It enhances your appearance - The procedure is made to mimic your natural teeth and is a permanent solution to improving the way your teeth both look and feel. 
  • It improves your speech - Unlike other forms of dental treatments, dental implants enable you to speak without worrying about any repercussions, such as a tooth falling out midway through a discussion. 
  • It gives you added comfort - As they cannot be removed, dental implants become a permanent part of your mouth, thus removing any discomfort that usually stems from temporary dental solutions. 
  • It enables you to eat hassle-free - Unlike dentures, dental implants do not impact your chewing capabilities. Dental implants are designed to perform the exact functions of your natural teeth. This includes being able to eat food without having to worry about impacting your dental implants or suffering from any pain as a result of eating. 
  • It improves your self-esteem and confidence - An improved smile, such as the one we can give you with dental implants, does wonders for your confidence and self-esteem, allowing you to show off that beaming smile without feeling self-conscious.  
  • It is long-lasting - Dental implants are very durable in comparison to other dental treatments, and the right care will last you your entire life. 
  • It is the more convenient option - Having dental implants means you don't have to worry about removable dentures as you go about your daily life. 
  • It has a high success rate - The general success rate of dental implants is around 98% and, with the right care, you will not need to have the procedure redone. 

Things to be aware of when having dental implants

As with any treatment, there are some concerns to be made aware of:

  • It is a surgical procedure - Unlike some of the other forms of treatments you would expect at the dentist, having dental implants is a surgical procedure that can include stitches, but it is worth remembering that the healing process is quick and you will be back to normal in no time! However, with Dr Pynadath George - our resident expert on restorative dentistry and dental implants - you have nothing to worry about. 
  • It is on the expensive side - At first glance, the treatments appear to be on the expensive side of dental treatments. However, dental implants are designed to be a one-time event, unlike other dental treatments that require additional maintenance after a certain time has passed. This way, with dental implants, you could end up saving yourself money in the long run. 
  • The components might fail - Be rest assured, that at Dental Excellence we are leaders in the dental industry. We use the latest technology to ensure we deliver the best treatment possible for our clients. However, this isn’t the case everywhere. As with any procedure, there are risks. There are four components that make up the implant: the implant itself, the piece that attaches to it, the screw that attaches itself to the abutment of the implant, and the crown, which is placed on top of the abutment. With many components, there is a chance that one or more of the components might fail. 

There is a risk of infection - While implants are not at risk of cavities, there is a chance of plaque building up. In order to prevent this, you need to make sure to clean the dental implants in the same way you would your natural teeth. If the plaque is not cleared up, it can impact the gums and cause inflammation. Our dental hygienist will be on hand to advise you of any aftercare concerns you might have after your treatment.

Start Your Smile Journey Today

Smile Solutions

At Dental Excellence UK, we have created smile makeover packages for our most popular treatments to make it easier for our patients to see the options available.


Align, Bleach, Bond

We will improve the alignment of your natural teeth, whiten with a bespoke kit, and repair any tooth wear with composite edge bonding to your front teeth.


Align Bleach Bond

Align, Bleach and Bonding involves use of either almost-invisible removable aligners, or very subtle tooth coloured fixed braces to move your teeth into a more attractive, natural position, usually over a period of only 6-9 months.


Mini Smile Makeover

Dental Excellence can offer you a smile makeover within 2 – 3 visits using composite bonding.


Same Day Smile Makeover

Utilising the latest technology, Dental Excellence can provide a walk in, walk out smile makeover in one day.


The Digital Smile Makeover

Dental Excellence can offer you a smile makeover within 2 – 3 visits using composite bonding.


The VIP Digital Smile Makeover

We understand that for busy professionals, speed is of the essence.


The place is absolutely stunning, and their dental work is first class, but it's really the people who make it what it is. From the girl who greets you to the dentists that treat you, everyone is just lovely. Would recommend them to anyone, especially if you're nervous! Thanks Robbie & team for making the dentist a pleasure not a pain :) x.

Laura McDonald

Turn your smile dreams into reality

Get the smile you've always wanted with our superior techniques and first class client care.